Running for ASB president while students were advocating for themselves, what is their journey to get themselves out there? Why did they decide to run for ASB president and what are they willing to do while being ASB president? What are the responsibilities that are expected to be a leader?
Here is what Audrina Aguilar, a junior from La Sierra High who ran for ASB president, had to say about some of the responsibilities it takes to be a leader.
Audrina A : You’re expected to work with others so have good teamwork have good communication be enthusiastic take care of others and be dependable.”
Q. What ways did you do to promote yourself and gain votes from the school?
Audrina A: I had a campaign idea it was to include all of your like cliche movies like Legally Blond and Mean Girls and Gilmore Girls and Clueless and turn them into something that people would enjoy seeing and also turn them into a way for people to like laugh little quotes ‘don’t me clueless for for Audri’ kind of thing and I hand out little goodies?
Now what about Lindsey Raygoza, a junior also from La Sierra High, that ran for ASB President for the Class of 25’? What are her expectations while being ASB president and how does she promote herself?
Q. What do you think people like staff and students expect from you?
Lindsey R: I think they expect me to be someone that they can look up to, someone they can rely on. they can trust me without feeling worried that the job won’t get done or that it will be done to the best.