AP Testing: The College Board Effect

Junior Savanna Goldstein shares how she was preparing for her AP exam for her AP biology class.

Kamal Sharma, Staff

In some classrooms, you’ll find students playing Kahoot, or having parties and potlucks to celebrate the final months of class. But for others, you’ll find them heavily reviewing and taking practice tests for AP exams that will save them money for college in the long run. Many of these students have found numerous ways to study for their AP exams and one of their biggest resources is their very own AP teachers. Each subject is its own way to study for these exams.

“I’m preparing honestly by like studying at home, taking online tests that are like free practice tests. I ordered a book off of Amazon, so there’s a lot of ways for me to review for these exams. Flashcards, flashcards help out a lot as well when it comes to exams like these. Our teachers are also helping us out as well. Mr. Peterson has given us a book that has a lot of helpful information for the AP exam,” said junior Savanna Goldstein.

Instead of just focusing on regular assignments and other school-related things, students have to go the extra mile for themselves in studying and preparing for the AP tests. When it comes to exams like these, a student’s time, effort, and dedication could impact the overall outcome of their score. This can affect a lot of students’ schedules. A few AP students’ schedules may stay the same, and for others, not so much. 

“Because of these AP exams, my schedule looks more different than it was before. Before we started to prepare for these exams, I usually had to just worry about classwork and homework. Now, I have to do my homework, then review, do everything else that I did before, and stuff I never did before. All I can say is that these AP exams are affecting me in a way and my schedule,” said Brianna Young.

Knowing whether they have to take the class in college is based on a student’s score, in which each subject has different criteria for grading. How they know they don’t have to take the class in college again is if they passed the test and the college they want to attend allows them to take a class higher because they passed the AP exam.

“It has affected my schedule actually. Instead of doing just homework for other classes, I now have to study a lot for the AP exams and at the same time keep up with my other classes,” said junior Patrick Versoza.